Analog to Digital: An “Autobiography” by Bits

This is a collection of my personal milestones, memories, articles, reports and other documents from more than 40 years in the media business.  My goal is to provide an organized structure to my various files from my cahiftoon_icon_aimreer as a journalist, technologist, consultant and educator. This is my effort to create a digital “autobiography” by bits and pieces. Or, more likely, this is just a way for me to collect and share memories. Or, perhaps, this just gives me an opportunity to scan stuff, save it digitally and then toss the paper. Whatever the reason, I hope you find something of interest. Everyone needs an “ego-based” project [is it a hobby?] and this one is mine. A special thanks to Casey Frechette for his hard work and creative energy in creating this timeline display. And for other site technology / design.