A Blueprint for Building Online Services, 1995
Where to start? That was the question many newspaper publishers were asking in 1995. At least when it came to creating a digital / electronic version of the print newspaper. The Newspaper Association of America’s [NAA] New Media Department published what they labeled as the first in a “series of executive strategy reports” to help companies get “on-line.”
From the opening section:
Where to start in choosing an electronic newspaper publishing platform depends in large measure on the company’s broader goals. With that in mind, and in deference to the non-wired, there are several valid goals that may propel news operations into interactive media.
The report was titled “Opportunities in Anarchy: A blueprint for building online services”. It is an interesting look at recent history. There are examples from some of the newspaper digital pioneers. And there is a list of newspapers that were on the World Wide Web as of May 25, 1095. The list fit on a single page. It was authored by Melinda Gipson and overseen by NAA New Media Department Director Randy Bennett.