Arizona Central’s Official Launch Announcements
Even though Arizona Central (AzCentral) was live on both AOL and the Web earlier, we needed to make an official and public announcement about both services. The Phoenix Newspapers (PNI) marketing department created an excellent package of materials, including press releases (one for each service) and screenshots of the online services. And, of course, a FAQ about going online. It reads quaint today, but the basic “here’s how to get online” information was essential in 1995. The other members of the launch team were Dave Gianelli, special projects manager, Dan Hontz, online project for AzCentral on the Web, and Jeff Unger, online producer for AzCentral on AOL.
Both press releases are here: pni_annouces azcentral_12_08_1995
The FAQ about Arizona Central on AOL and on the Web are here: azcentral faq sheets_12_08_1995

Top: One of the many AOL disks that were mailed to residents of Arizona. Bottom: Screenshot of the first Web home page for Arizona Central.