E-Learning Rocks, NewsU Launch Movie
J. Paige West, an interactive learning producer at Poynter NewsU, came up with a great idea to help folks understand what we were creating. In the early 2000s, e-learning was still an unknown concept for training and she thought it would be fun to create a video along the lines of the animated musical educational short films that aired on “School House Rocks.”
She did a great job with both the animation and the script. The video was built in Flash, the hot interactivity tool in 2004. I did my “voice over” and Paige played the journalist looking for training.
“E-Learning Rocks” debuted at NewsU’s launch party at the American Society of News Editors on April 11, 2005. We also put a copy on the CD-ROM that was part of our “launch box.” More on that in another post.