Editors Told Big Changes Needed. Did They Listen?
Even though it was 2007, I was still making speeches to editors [and publishers] about the need to embrace change and transform the newspaper business. One such plea for change was made at a Texas Associated Press Managing Editors convention in San Antonio. A fellow trouble-maker at the event was Michael P. Smith, executive director of the Media Management Center at Northwestern.
I said that not even popular online sites can rest easy and the challenge is young people who aren’t newspaper readers. And I talked about “control” of content and media.
From a story published in the San Antonio Express-News:
And editors can’t forget they’re dealing with an audience that’s “digitally equipped,” as more people own devices that give them control of a medium such as digital video recorders like TiVo.
These digital devices give control.
“No one wants to give up something that gives them control, Finberg said. Young people, especially, “want to take somebody else’s content and add to it.”