June 1, 1999
Technology and Pagination: Integrating the New into Your Newsroom
Pagination and a Look Into the Future of Newspapers
In 1999 I was asked to contribute to a book about pagination being published by the Society of News Design and the Association of News Editors. You can download the entire book from here.
At the end of the article I made some “bolder, out-on-a-limb” predictions:
- Design as a unique job function in newspapers will slowly dissolve into other editing responsibilities.
- Editing will encompass more than the technical aspects of copy editing and take on more responsibilities for the entire infopacks.
- Computers will automatically handle most of the routine production responsibilities, freeing editors to do lust what we have always wanted them to do – make journalistic choices on behalf of their readers and the community.
- Most, if not all, maps and charts will be produced by software. There will be fewer artists at newspapers doing “art work.”
- The presentation of information will be of such importance for the organization that the senior editor with such responsibilities will report to the publisher.
I like my final paragraph:
Newspapers are on the verge of freeing themselves from the limitations of their production equipment. While I would not predict the end of newsprint as we know it, the era of print-centric delivery is coming to an end. We need to look beyond technology to find the solutions to organize and motivate our workforce for the new millennium. If we are successful, this is the last pagination book you will ever read.