The Future, a 1997 Memo
This is a memo I wrote to fellow executives at the Arizona Republic and Phoenix Gazette in early 1997. It outlines some of my views on the importance of online services and about the reorganization of a newsroom to have a great mix of skills among editors.
The overall direction that I see journalism [and journalists] heading in the next five to 10 years is one of multi-skilled individuals. These will be the people that will succeed and prosper in the next century. In a sense, we will be going back to our roots – the small town publisher/editor/reporter/ad salesman – to find models that put more responsibility for all aspects of journalism in the hands of the source. If good journalism is good story telling, let’s put all the story telling tools into everyone’s hands and give them the access to information to help tell their stories.
I’m pleased that I was right on some of the points I raised, albeit a bit too optimistic.