Training Needs of Journalists: Poynter NewsU Survey
As we geared up development of Poynter’s e-learning project, the lack of information about journalists and online training was very evident. While there were many studies about what journalists said they wanted in terms of training, there was scant evidence about how an online training program would be received. I pushed hard to do a training needs assessment and by early 2004 we published the “Training: It Matters More Than Ever” report.
Many of the conclusions aren’t surprising, even 10 years later.
What stands between journalist and more training?
* Time
* Money
* Accessibility
What was surprising was the acceptance of e-learning as a potential for journalism training. While only 18 percent of survey respondents had any experience with online training, more than 70 percent were interested in participating in e-learning.
“It validates our belief in e-learning,” Finberg says [in the report]. “It’s the research evidence that the concept we came up with is valid. The real challenge will be in the execution…”
Bob Andelman wrote the report. He also wrote a story for Poynter Online.

Cover of publication reporting training survey results