This is a collection of various video and audio files that are in three categories:
- Videos from various sources, such as a company. These videos present a vision of the future. Or they might be an industry conference video.
- Personal conference videos; these are videos of Howard Finberg’s presentations or talks.
- Audio files; mostly these are Howard Finberg’s presentations or speeches.
I hope you find these bits of history interesting.
The Future of Journalism Education
This is a speech Howard Finberg made on the 20th anniversary celebration of the European Journalism Centre in 2012. A story based on this speech was published by The Poynter Institute for Media Studies: https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2012/journalism-education-cannot-teach-its-way-to-the-future/

The Future of New Media Training
This is a video of panel at the 17th World Editors Forum, which was held in Hamburg, Germany, Oct 6-8, 2010. The panel was on Friday, the 8th. The panelists were: Howard Finberg, Director, Interactive Learning & News University, Poynter Institute, USA; Joyce Barnathan, President, International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), USA; Tarek Atia, Media Training Manager, Media Development Programme, Egypt; Bertrand Pecquerie, Director, World Editors Forum / WAN-IFRA, France. The moderator was Steffen Burkhardt, Professor of Journalism, University of Hamburg, Germany.
I showed the results of a training study that addresses the future of new media training and barriers to effective training.

It Starts With Newton
Everything we love and hate about our iPhones, iPads, iPods, etc. comes from the foundational work done on the Apple Newton. It was a device that wasn’t ready for the market. However, it was ready for those who dreamed of a different future for communication and information distribution. I used the Newton as an example in many of my teaching. Here’s a video from 1994 that you might be interesting.