This page holds a collection images from various newsrooms where I have worked. Interesting. Somewhat historical, especially the Chicago Tribune, which is no longer in Tribune Tower. That space is now part of a condo complex. I’ve also included some other interesting visuals.
The Chicago Tribune
This gallery has three images taken in the early 1980s, as best as I can figure. First image is a picture of Richard Leslie who was an assistant managing editor and Howard Finberg. I was probably a picture editor at the time. Second image: An overall of the newsroom; note the very large computer terminals. Probably the Edit5 Hendricks system. Third image: Overall of the newsroom looking toward the mural above the picture desk [west wall]. On the phone is Paul Dix; not sure of his role at that time. He could have been local copy desk chief.
Building AZ Central
In the summer of 1995 a team of editors from The Arizona Republic and Phoenix Gazette worked on a new project — the creation of AZ Central, the papers’ first online presence. AZ Central started as a sub-site on American Online. It also created a more limited Web-based site. In a few years, AZ Central would be solely Internet-based.
Early AZ Central Pages
Here are screenshots of the first AZ Central pages on AOL and on the Web, 1995
Having Fun at Society of Newspaper Design Convention
The 1990 SND convention in San Francisco saw the birth of a satirical newspaper poking fun at the organization and some of its participants — the one’s with egos who could and needed a reminder to come back to earth.